Chill bump story first - a new friend of ours is with Bob at camp this week, and kept just covertly staring at another youth pastor who was conversing with Bob about the knee injury from last summer. She finally questioned his identity Tuesday morning, only to discover that he was a dear friend of her parents who had both been killed in a plane crash when she was a child. An aunt was awarded custody and never followed up on the friendships the parents had made. This gentleman has not seen our friend in years! It gets better - her dad was still conscious when he made it to the hospital and asked the nurse to call 3 people for him - the first name was this gentleman - basically her dad got theses words out "take care of my girls for me". Since the aunt kind of walked away from all the girls knew, this poor guy has had no way of knowing how they were doing and such, and has been carrying all kinds of guilt for years about it. He is a school teacher & would only be at camp Monday thru Wednesday, and they not only were there the same week, but made the connection within hours of being there! Is that God or what?!?!
As for dental visits, I know, I know, I work in an office, you'd think I'd get my kids in when they needed to - Nat had been seen before, but not Nick - so, the hygienists had time today, and I had a car - so off I went to get them. No cavities for either, but pretty much a given that braces are in the future for both. They inherited my crooked teeth instead of Bob's! Nick actually has a tooth coming in behind his front ones and the one it replaces is barely loose....such is life in my household this week!