Monday, December 11, 2006

No White Boxes!

So, Saturday night, we are spending quality time as a family wrapping the extended family gifts...Nick (5) says that he doesn't want any white boxes when he opens presents on Christmas morning. His reasoning - last year Nathanael told him that when he sees a white box under the wrapping paper, it means its clothes inside not toys! He's only 5!!! I think I'm gonna wrap a couple of his gifts in white boxes, just to play with his mind a little - hee hee hee! Am I a bad mom for that thought? On that note, Nathanael forgot his science and history books over the weekend - he only needed them to study for a test today - am I a bad mom for hoping he does bad just to make him learn a lesson?! I know he won't, the kid has a mind like a steel trap and will probably ace it with no problems. We've been dealing with him complaining of being "distracted" so he doesn't finish his class work, or his tests in math. It's a challenge since he's a bright kid and learning so much, he just doesn't want to do the tedious stuff. So, we struggle on...


Kimberly said...

9 year old girls seem to to pretty well with the white boxes- as long as there is a certain label on what is IN the white boxes-oY VEY!

Michael said...

Mom would like to know when you or i am going to update. Life gets busy sometimes and when it slows down you get to relax so sometimes you just never get around to posting. This is from experiece on my part.