Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday Afternoon

Well, here I am, home with the boys while Bob has taken several men to Oroville for the associational men's BBQ - he'll be home probly while I'm at worship practice...went to Lowe's this morning so the boys could participate in their free building workshop - they got to make birdfeeder thingies today. We grabbed some left over paint from the church, and once Bob left, we painted the afore mentioned creations. Nat managed to get paint on his shorts that won't come out, but other wise, things are looking pretty good. Even got a little paint on his cast - but nothing major.

I should go fold laundry & clean the bathroom - but will I???? We shall see....

Sunday, April 22, 2007

God sized dreams

Todd (our new pastor) challenged us today as a congregation to set a God sized dream - I have to say I hadn't really thought about my dreams. I need to spend some time in prayer & study to figure out what that might look like for me. Pray for me as I head down that road - and I may need some input from some of you as to what you see my gifts as being.

Anyway - note the picture of the boys - Todd & his wife Dina sent Nat a goodie box the other day filled with stuff to help keep him occupied - practice golf balls I took the picture for him to take home tomorrow when he goes back to SoCal. Pray for them too, they were told initially by the builder they would be in by May 1st, now it won't be till the 17th. Most of their stuff is packed & Dina is ready to be here, but alas God has other plans for them...

Off to make dinner for the boys - Bob had to head to a VBS meeting, then he'll be back to finish prepping the pinewood derby cars for Wednesday night. We've had to spray paint inside since the weather is not conducive of painting outdoors...smells like Earl Scheib in here!

Friday, April 20, 2007


Well, the guy turned himself in last nite about 9:30pm to the county sheriff's office - but not before 2 counties cancelled school for today, as well as the private ones here in Yuba City. His pregnant girlfriend said that his words were twisted and he was despondent over a recent divorce. Either way, it made for a long day and a very anxious 8 year old. He's okay this morning, tummy ache yesterday afternoon tho. He couldn't figure out why they couldn't have recess yesterday, and why they were doing rainy day pick up (calling each kid from class as the parent arrived) when the sun was shining full bore. Bob told him a stripped down version, that it was for his protection, but he has his mommy's anxious heart. We're all good this morning, Bob is back at church finishing up some more painting. The boys and I will head in later to maybe do the grocery shopping and get daddy. Thanks for the prayers yesterday - they were felt!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Well, Yuba City has joined the bandwagon of having a meth crazed guy w/an AK-47 running around making threats. As much as I don't want to give in to making him more famous (infamous) than he already is, we need prayer. He confided in a local pastor, who called the authorities as he should - the secondary campus of Nathanael's school is next door to the church of the pastor. Anyway, things are tense here, schools locked down or evacuated, etc...
As for Nat's arm - new cast remodeling his "bent" arm, all signed by his class mates. No real pain in setting, just some wincing. Thanks for your concerns!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Our First Broken Bone

Well, it was destined to happen with 2 little boys, I just didn't expect it to be Nathanael! Playing at a park in town, both boys running, Nick pushed Nat a little bit & down he went on the concrete. Bent his right wrist like he was trying to touch his fingers to the inside of his arm...more crying than was necessary for the skinned knee we could see - and more crying when we put pressure on the wrist. So, off to urgent care we go - an xray confirms it - a slight fracture on the arm bone just up from his wrist (toward the elbow). He has a splint for now - will see the orthopedic md next week for further evaluation and casting. Of course, true to form, it is his right arm & he has a written report due in 3 weeks! Anyway, when Nick realized that the injury was serious enough to warrant a trip to the doctor, he started crying from remorse - I told you he was compassionate - and Nathanael forgave him even before he said he was sorry! I'll post a picture later - Tony, he's got nothing on your broken setting required tonight, so I didn't nearly pass out & Bob didn't have to hide in the corner! Such is the story of my life on Friday the 13th!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Thankful for...

I know, its not Thanksgiving, but as I was in the shower this morning, I was thinking of all the ways God has blessed me -
a husband who never fails to build me up in my sometimes depressing moods, but also never fails to call me on things I need to work on; his dedication to his calling in ministry is commendable; as is his calling to fatherhood (he spent most of this last week painting the children's center classrooms mostly alone, yet he spent an hour or so on the driving range with the boys & I yesterday afternoon instead of taking a nap).
my oldest son, whose intelligence astounds me sometimes - he answers some jeopardy questions before Alex is done reading them! He is a compassionate little boy who loves the creation God has made and often tells his younger brother while watching something on Discovery channel that they're wrong about some evolution theory they're spouting. He has a passion for learning that I pray will never go away. There are some college kids at church that sometimes fear his knowledge - because it is more than their own!
my youngest son, named for his late aunt - all boy, through and through, will try most anything at least once - determined like his daddy to do everything just right; but at the mere mention that I'm hurt (or pretending to be) he stops the wrestling and becomes my defender against all comers. The tears in his eyes as I defined hell on his level were real, and he has thanked Jesus each night since for coming into his heart. His Sunday School teacher tells me he always chooses the right choice when they discuss choices in class...I pray that he continues to make the right choices.

What blessings do you have in your life that sometimes you take for granted until Thanksgiving?