Monday, June 18, 2007

First camp

Bob & Nathanael left this morning for Nat's first camp experience at Jenness Park. They called just after dinner, and he couldn't wait to get up the hill from the phone and into the chapel for worship - Bob finally sent him to go find the rest of the group. Bob did mention that he's having a hard time with the line of protection and letting him grow up! As in, "Dad, can I just stay here & play on the field while you go back to the cabin?" I wonder if it would have been any easier for Bob to not have gone...Nick is spending his first night in his room alone, took a little bit to get him down, but he's finally out. Everything for him right now is about being like his brother - and having Nat play with him - Nat is at the point where he likes to just be alone and read or whatever (sounds a little like me!), and so the battle ensues. We will survive!

1 comment:

Jenny Duff said...

CAMP! It was so hard for me to send Emily to camp last year, but this year it was super cool. And next year... the hardest thing will be shelling out the bucks. It's so exciting to see their faces and watch them test their indpendence although the protection thing is always right there... :-D