Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm safe with you, mommy

Nick has done pretty good in his room by himself the last couple of nights...this morning he came in to my bed about 4am, said he had a bad dream. He wanted to be on my side of the bed - probably because its away from the door - told him no since then I'd have to climb over him repeatedly to hit the snooze an hour later. Anyway, he fell back to sleep, nestled up against my back. Later at breakfast when I asked him about it, he told me he came to my bed "because I knew I was safe with you" - how precious is that?!

Nat & Bob are surviving together - Nat fell out of the bed last night, sleeping bag and all...luckily he was on the bottom, so it was a short fall. Bob's learning to let him go do things alone, a hard adjustment for Daddy...and Mommy, but I'm not there to live it...

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