Saturday, March 10, 2007

On Calling A Senior Pastor

Many of you know that for the last 2 years we have been without a senior pastor, meaning Bob has been it as far as ministerial staff goes - this weekend there is hope! We have a couple here in view of a call - meaning they are here to check us out & we're checking them out - Bob & I are both in favor, and after 2 rounds of meetings (deacons & search team) things are opening up. I can't tell you who they are, since his church doesn't yet know he's looking. But, we like them, and the buzz is good. We'll do potluck tonite w/the whole church body, he preaches in the morning, open forum Sunday PM with a pie social (we're baptists & love to eat, can you tell?!) after. They will head home on Monday am to pray while we pray as well. Then we'll all vote on Sunday AM after our morning service. That will be the fun one - we have decided to do 2 votes - one to call him & one on what to pay him. We have to do it that way or it all gets political & a huge mess. Be in prayer - a weekend full of meetings is never fun and this type of stuff can get exhausting for all parties!

Kudos to my boys, however - they have been shuttled off to a separate room on their own with a TV and a couple movies for both meetings I've needed to be a part of. Bob has to go back earlier than I do tonite, so that's good for the kiddos, but makes for VERY long hours on Bob.

BTW - my heart rate is now back down after the telemarketer call at work, but then yesterday my CELL phone rings with a telemarketed automated call?!?! Since when can that be done?

Life goes on!

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