Thursday, March 08, 2007

Telephone Solicitors

I was just rude to someone & I feel the need to confess & RANT at the same time. Two days ago, I answered the phone here at work - a non-native English speaker tells me they need to verify the address & provider associated with the phone number. I verify the address, but then she wants to keep going with me verifying more info. ARGH!!! This is a business & I do not have the time to answer questions they already have the answers to! Besides, most often, this is how phone service etc get changed without you realizing it. I hung up on her then & I hung up again today when she called back with the SAME questions!!!! The girls here are laughing at me because my neck, ears & face are all red from getting so agitated with this. I don't like being rude, but when I hang up on you once because I tell you I'm too busy to deal with it, dontcha think I'll do it again?!

And thus ends my soapbox confession/rant.


Kimberly said...

I think these are the jobs "Americans wont do". The exploited immigrant or underpaid Indian citizen does not know that telemarketing is the irritated bowel of any industry

Kimberly said...

Oh, and Olan Mills is running a special on thier 8X10 natural color portraits.

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