Saturday, April 07, 2007

Thankful for...

I know, its not Thanksgiving, but as I was in the shower this morning, I was thinking of all the ways God has blessed me -
a husband who never fails to build me up in my sometimes depressing moods, but also never fails to call me on things I need to work on; his dedication to his calling in ministry is commendable; as is his calling to fatherhood (he spent most of this last week painting the children's center classrooms mostly alone, yet he spent an hour or so on the driving range with the boys & I yesterday afternoon instead of taking a nap).
my oldest son, whose intelligence astounds me sometimes - he answers some jeopardy questions before Alex is done reading them! He is a compassionate little boy who loves the creation God has made and often tells his younger brother while watching something on Discovery channel that they're wrong about some evolution theory they're spouting. He has a passion for learning that I pray will never go away. There are some college kids at church that sometimes fear his knowledge - because it is more than their own!
my youngest son, named for his late aunt - all boy, through and through, will try most anything at least once - determined like his daddy to do everything just right; but at the mere mention that I'm hurt (or pretending to be) he stops the wrestling and becomes my defender against all comers. The tears in his eyes as I defined hell on his level were real, and he has thanked Jesus each night since for coming into his heart. His Sunday School teacher tells me he always chooses the right choice when they discuss choices in class...I pray that he continues to make the right choices.

What blessings do you have in your life that sometimes you take for granted until Thanksgiving?


Kimberly said...

I'm thankful that my husband and I still find each other funny and he faithfully remembers I like my venti chai with soy. I am thankful that my nine year old princess still wants to sit with me at the movies, even when her friends are there. I am thankful that I when I sneeze, my son runs downstairs just so ask if I'm OK. I'm thankful I for my Dad, and my stepmom who loves him completely. I am thankful my mother in law remembers things I might like to forget. I'm thankful we have found our place and even good friends in a foreign land. I am thankful that to my children "Easter" is not merely a holiday to be celebrated once a year (but the candy is a nice bonus).

Jenny Duff said...

I am so behind and am reading backward. Ehehehehe.

How did you define hell on Nick's level? I'd love to know. The girls are so full of questions.