Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

So, Bob came home from Brasil on Wednesday the 23rd, and left for camp at Jenness Park on the following Monday with the youth for Centrifuge...once he's home, he's home for good...at least not going anyway for long trips for awhile. Tonight he called here like he does every night from camp, and is feeling lousy - head cold has taken up residence in his precious head. He's telling Nick this on the phone tonight, and Nick says, "Do you want me to pray for you?" Bob says sure - so Nick does, right there on the phone with no prompting from me. Tears. Then I'm thinking, why aren't we all that way? I mean, when someone calls with a prayer need, why do we say, "Sure, I'll pray for you." Then forget about it till we see that person again. Instead of praying immediately with them, even over the phone. And he's only 6!
We are doing pretty good - I hate to say that we've gotten kinda used to Bob not being here, but we kinda have. Spent the day yesterday shopping for school supplies, and then swimming at some friends house...just hanging out. Gotta get 5 bags of stuff sorted - but we'll make it happen soon.
Dinner's ready - gotta run.

Friday, July 18, 2008

More prayer thoughts

This blogging community can be so cool sometimes! Carlos over at ragamuffinsoul.com is conducting a "world wide prayer meeting". He asked for requests from the many of us who read his blog on a regular basis, and is literally just praying thru the comments live on his mac...when I signed out, there were 40 people all over, praying together at our individual computers for whatever was next. Posting prayers in the chat part of the video link, too...I had posted a request and ended up with shivers as I listened to him pray and knowing that tons of people were lifting little 'ol me up in prayer. I've never met Carlos, I've met his dad - but I feel like I do know him and his family - and we're part of this great community called the body of Christ together. I'm speechless.....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Prayer partners

this morning has been cool - I met with a few people at our church to pray for Bob, knowing that literally around the world, others are praying too...west Asia, Africa and Italy, besides Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska, Missouri, Texas, Oregon...how cool is that!

Friday, July 11, 2008

the care of teenagers and their families

So, last night I was logged into my facebook account and was chatting live w/one of my former youth. Seems she and her family are really having some struggles right now that seem to be centered around her parents' relationship. I know that they have been involved in marital counseling (from both parties), but I'm trying to find that line of caring for a hurting young lady and not making her parents look like idiots (they're not) to her. I also know that as a parent, our tendency is to make things look better than they are to protect our kids - but I think its past that for them...anyway...pray for them, and for me...I need to be compassionate, wise and a dispenser of truth in all of this.

What happens when Mommy gets bored

okay, so the quality (the picture, not the drawing) isn't the greatest, but you get the idea - its too hot & smoky to go outside, and I needed some distraction - so there we have it! The belly button belongs to Nick, the other is Nat's knee - tried to do it so the face was smiling whether I was looking at it or he was - I had to bribe Nat to let me do it, he wasn't too keen on letting Mom have at him with a pen!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I realized just how depressed I probly sounded in that last post - I was in the dumps, and am dealing with it better now than I was. We found a replacement hygienist quickly, and she is a believer too, which makes things feel smoother already. As for the church stuff, I'm still not happy & my body knows it. For the last two Sunday ams, my stomach has rebelled with the runs - ya think its reacting to the stress factor of having to be in a place that isn't real supportive? We are petitioning our savior for clear direction and guidance - and unfortunately, because we're human, it isn't coming fast enough for us!
Nat got his cast off today - Dr said that because of his age, things heal quickly and thoroughly and all looks good. He is a little stiff & sore from not being able to move it for a month, but all is good. He is a brave little man - hopping right up to have it cut off, and laying his arm out just like they needed it for the xrays. Experience I suppose....
Bob is on his way to Brasil even as we speak..left town early this morning. I head down to San Fran w/the rest of the group tomorrow morning...pray for safety while driving...don't need another blown tire in the bus!