Saturday, September 02, 2006

Let us pray, part 2

Things went okay last nite....the person in question is prepared for the fact that there are people who will not be thrilled that he is back. He just doesn't want to make a spectacle, etc. He is very aware of the limits of his parole & is ready to cooperate about that. As for the repentance issue, that's a hard read still. He's only been out at the most a week, so still a little rough around the edges after 5 years in prison. So, we will still be praying for a smooth morning.....

We've got a long weekend with no real plans except to sort of clean out the garage that we bombed w/spider killer. Its no fun to find black widows 2 inches across in there w/all our stuff!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just now read your blogs,..ALL of them. I had forgotten to go to the blogspot.
On vertigo,..don't pay anyone big $$ on this, is my advice. I've had it for years, since Durango. I had a pharmacist tell me to get Meclizine,..the blue pill. No not THAT blue pill! this is over the counter and works great. Just pop one when you get the feeling,..and soon its under control. I've been at big meetings when vertigo struck, neding to lie down. Meclizine did wonders.
Mom has had it since CA street,..and its pretty much a nonfactor now. IF it does come along, she just takes 1/2 of one of my Meclizines.
There you have it.