This "little" picture does no justice to the 1367 pieces it took Bob & I THREE yes 3 hours to assemble last night! I have re-assembled it at least 5, maybe 6 times in the 2 hours since we've been home from church today. Nathanael is not happy with himself for the fact that no matter how careful he's being, something comes apart. He just came in to tell me it had broken again & was laughing at my title - I told him to just leave it sit for now, we'd figure something out when Bob gets home.
Good sermon this morning, I know I needed the reminder that "Without the Head, the church is dead", but so do a lot of people at our church. One of the search team members gave a report & basically said, if we don't get unified and our "Head" on straight, we will die out, and nearly in tears, that he didn't want that to happen. It will be 2 years the end of March since our pastor resigned...and while I know God's timing is perfect, humanly I want Him to hurry up!
Teeny Legos must die. I have began calling them "THE teeny legos" much as So Calers call their freeways THE 91 of THE 101etc.. they become an entity...THE Laundry....Before you become addicted, you might make some coffee. Once you are addicted, you make THE coffee.
Damn' Legos. I hope THE vaccume survives!
Glue indeed. Never saw the little monster legos... Probably a good thing.
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