Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bob's ability to control his tongue

Well, the meeting last night went for 3 (yes 3) hours before my husband came home. I left after the first hour because I needed to get the boys into bed. Its crazy, there are people who are dead set against any form of restoration - people who are supposedly leaders of the church. Bob was prepared at one point for one person to stand up and ask for his resignation, but it never happened. He explained that he & the deacon body had set up the procedures/precautions and that the offender had agreed to those as well; but people were still on a vendetta. And now, 5 years later, they are suddenly worried about the boys who are his victims! Haven't been all this time, but now that they can be used as a tool to get rid of the offender since they can't be anywhere near him. Anyway - he did have several people tell him they were proud of the way he managed to keep his tongue & not fly off the handle. So, keep praying that things will go as God wants for this church.

On another note - Nathanael has a really weird thing on his side - looks almost like a bug planted an egg sac under his skin! WEIRD! He has an appointment tomorrow morning with the doctor - he doesn't like needles, it could get interesting. My appointment about my shoulder is tomorrow afternoon - 3:15 to exise the small mole/freckle on my right shoulder. We both may have stiches tomorrow nite....I may post pictures, we'll see.

Gotta get back to dental business.....anyone need a crown done? :)


1 comment:

Jenny Duff said...

I can't say a thing about crowns. LMAO. *hugs*