Wednesday, October 01, 2008

On death and birth

So...Monday night at 11pm, Bob gets a text from one of our former youth who is still in the area - her dad has been battling stomach issues for close to 2 years now, only to be diagnosed about 6 weeks ago with pancreatic cancer. The text was simple, "Please pray for my dad. They say he may not survive the night. Please pray that he not have pain." Its Wednesday, and they are in the process of getting the house ready for hospice care as the doctors cannot do much else to help him, only keep him comfortable. The young lady who sent the text is not taking it well, as ultimately, she is a daddy's girl thru and thru - her older sister is being strong, but her kids are in 7th and 4th grade respectively and have lived w/grandpa nearly all their lives - this will be a rough one to say the least!
As for the birth - one of my former youth and now a friend had her baby on Tuesday -and he is was quite the roller coaster of a day since the above mentioned gentleman is in the same hospital - I saw them both Tuesday afternoon - elation of a new baby to the awfulness of just waiting for God to call one of His own home to heaven. This is one of those times when its hard being in ministry - going from one end of the spectrum of emotion to the other in very little time, while dealing with all my own stress.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

6 long weeks

EDIT: A good chunk of this post has been deleted after the wise advise of both my younger sister and my dad...lots of things going on at the church - not too many of which are positive...if you want the gory details - send me an email, I'll fill you in on more of what's happening, even beyond what was here originally...
The boys started school - and are doing okay - Nat's teacher this year is doing what he can to develop a sense of personal responsibility in his pupils - but from what I can tell, most of them are struggling with it. He currently has a D in math, not because he can't do it, but because it is the accelerated math program that he is supposed to do at his own speed. I'll admit, we've alway kind of corrected him and prodded him along to get things done, but a D is just unacceptable. We met with the teacher yesterday and included Nat in the conversation so he can be part of the solution - and knows that he needs to step things up - he can do the work - he just doesn't see the value in why do it? Nick is doing great, reading better each day and having a ball in his class.
On the agenda today - doing laundry, taking Nat to a play date & Nick & I spending time just us two while Bob golfs in a tournament with a friend. Somewhere in there, I need to plan a get together for Nick's bday'm busy....

Friday, August 01, 2008


So, not too long ago, my best friend from gradeschool emails me to tell me I should join facebook, since there were several of us from our graduating class on it - I did, found them all and even had a mini reunion in March at CBU. I've since found some other people from our old church and been able to keep in contact with some former students. But, the other day, I get a "friend request" from someone that says "Is this the Michelle who's wedding I was in 20 years ago?" I 'bout fell off my chair. I haven't talked to Stephanie in literally years...we were good buddies at Magnolia Avenue, and drifted she's in Atlanta with 3 kids, an author hubby...and a facebook page! Whodda thunk it - I added her blog to my list over there >>>>>> go check it out as she processes thru parenting, ministry and life...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

So, Bob came home from Brasil on Wednesday the 23rd, and left for camp at Jenness Park on the following Monday with the youth for Centrifuge...once he's home, he's home for least not going anyway for long trips for awhile. Tonight he called here like he does every night from camp, and is feeling lousy - head cold has taken up residence in his precious head. He's telling Nick this on the phone tonight, and Nick says, "Do you want me to pray for you?" Bob says sure - so Nick does, right there on the phone with no prompting from me. Tears. Then I'm thinking, why aren't we all that way? I mean, when someone calls with a prayer need, why do we say, "Sure, I'll pray for you." Then forget about it till we see that person again. Instead of praying immediately with them, even over the phone. And he's only 6!
We are doing pretty good - I hate to say that we've gotten kinda used to Bob not being here, but we kinda have. Spent the day yesterday shopping for school supplies, and then swimming at some friends house...just hanging out. Gotta get 5 bags of stuff sorted - but we'll make it happen soon.
Dinner's ready - gotta run.

Friday, July 18, 2008

More prayer thoughts

This blogging community can be so cool sometimes! Carlos over at is conducting a "world wide prayer meeting". He asked for requests from the many of us who read his blog on a regular basis, and is literally just praying thru the comments live on his mac...when I signed out, there were 40 people all over, praying together at our individual computers for whatever was next. Posting prayers in the chat part of the video link, too...I had posted a request and ended up with shivers as I listened to him pray and knowing that tons of people were lifting little 'ol me up in prayer. I've never met Carlos, I've met his dad - but I feel like I do know him and his family - and we're part of this great community called the body of Christ together. I'm speechless.....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Prayer partners

this morning has been cool - I met with a few people at our church to pray for Bob, knowing that literally around the world, others are praying too...west Asia, Africa and Italy, besides Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska, Missouri, Texas, cool is that!

Friday, July 11, 2008

the care of teenagers and their families

So, last night I was logged into my facebook account and was chatting live w/one of my former youth. Seems she and her family are really having some struggles right now that seem to be centered around her parents' relationship. I know that they have been involved in marital counseling (from both parties), but I'm trying to find that line of caring for a hurting young lady and not making her parents look like idiots (they're not) to her. I also know that as a parent, our tendency is to make things look better than they are to protect our kids - but I think its past that for them...anyway...pray for them, and for me...I need to be compassionate, wise and a dispenser of truth in all of this.

What happens when Mommy gets bored

okay, so the quality (the picture, not the drawing) isn't the greatest, but you get the idea - its too hot & smoky to go outside, and I needed some distraction - so there we have it! The belly button belongs to Nick, the other is Nat's knee - tried to do it so the face was smiling whether I was looking at it or he was - I had to bribe Nat to let me do it, he wasn't too keen on letting Mom have at him with a pen!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I realized just how depressed I probly sounded in that last post - I was in the dumps, and am dealing with it better now than I was. We found a replacement hygienist quickly, and she is a believer too, which makes things feel smoother already. As for the church stuff, I'm still not happy & my body knows it. For the last two Sunday ams, my stomach has rebelled with the runs - ya think its reacting to the stress factor of having to be in a place that isn't real supportive? We are petitioning our savior for clear direction and guidance - and unfortunately, because we're human, it isn't coming fast enough for us!
Nat got his cast off today - Dr said that because of his age, things heal quickly and thoroughly and all looks good. He is a little stiff & sore from not being able to move it for a month, but all is good. He is a brave little man - hopping right up to have it cut off, and laying his arm out just like they needed it for the xrays. Experience I suppose....
Bob is on his way to Brasil even as we speak..left town early this morning. I head down to San Fran w/the rest of the group tomorrow morning...pray for safety while driving...don't need another blown tire in the bus!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Firings and business meetings

So, my boss decided to let go one of my hygienists - the problem, he didn't make any provisions ahead of time of what to do about the 8 patients I have scheduled on Tuesday morning. I was more than a little frustrated Friday afternoon, to say the very least. I enjoy my job and the girls I work with - but, on occasion, my boss, like all bosses can sometimes make decisions and leave the rest of us to deal with the ramifications. I appreciate the confidence in my ability, but don't like the assumption that I will just be able to make a licensed hygienist appear out of thin air (on my afternoon off)! :) Anyway, placed the help wanted ad, contacted the lock smith & got a replacement for Wednesday, but not Tuesday or Thursday. More jewels in my crown maybe?? As for the business meeting reference, a committee I sit on chose to meet informally, and make decisions,then let me know about it later. I did express my opinion on what they had chosen, but they chose to proceed anyway. Since I have agreed to NOT speak out in a business meeting about what we disagree about in committee - I just simply voted "no" today against what they were recommending. Due to the political nature of the power players (who happen to be opposed to whatever Bob or our pastor recommends), the motion passed anyway. We are waiting on God's leading - He still hasn't released us from this church yet, and Lord knows we've tried to find positions elsewhere, so here we stay until He says go. Pray for my hubby, he is discouraged and frustrated with all of this, and with watching me get stuck in the middle. It kills him that my opinion doesn't account for anything in a committee since I'm his wife, and thus any opinion is really his, not my own mind. Enough ranting - Bob & the boys had had a ball playing Wii at my sister's when we were there - so, since we had some extra funds left at the end of June, we bought one yesterday as a belated Father's Day gift. Bob spent most of the afternoon playing and the boys played for awhile after he left for a meeting. I want to find a Wii Fit so I can maybe get this 40 year old flabby body in shape. So far, everywhere is sold out - I'll just have to keep looking. Hey - my left palm is itching - doesn't that mean I'm supposed to get money soon??? :) That would be grand! Nat should be getting his cast off the 9th if all has healed correctly - lets hope so...its really hard to be a little boy in the summer w/a cast when everyone else is swimming. That's all for now - I think I've vented enough for tonight.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Texas pictures

Realized I hadn't posted any pix from our journey....the top one is four of the six kids around my sister's pool; middle one is the 4 of us at the Gaylord Texan; and the bottom is Grandma & Papa w/6 of the 8 "bubbas"....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

20 Years

While in Texas, Bob & I celebrated our 20 year wedding anniversary - Cass had enough points to gift us with a local hotel room to get away from everyone, he & Danielle kept the boys for us, and my parents kicked in some $$ toward a great dinner out. We wandered around Grapevine Mills (outlet mall) and just enjoyed the time away. Hard to believe that 20 years have passed since we married (can't say "since we said I do" since we never did - shhhhh)...its been quite the ride, graduations, kids, mission trips, church changes and lots of fun. I married a wonderful man who always cares about me & the boys - and puts up with all my crazy moods!

Texas Trip 2008

So, we survived the week w/my parents and sister & her kids...Nick nearly drowned (bro in law Cass jumped in & rescued him - spraining his ankle in the process); and Nat broke his left arm 24 hours before we were to get on the plane to come home! One of my sister's friends is an ER physician at Cooks Children's Hospital in Fort Worth, and agreed to see Nat in his home first to determine if we really needed to head someplace for real attention - sure enuf, we did. Small favors like that helped the process go faster, that is for sure! Instead of waiting in a random Urgent Care for 30 minutes to only get a splint, we spent that time driving to the ER where he had called ahead for us, so we got in almost immediately. Two hours later, we were on our way home w/a Dallas Cowboy blue cast. He & Bob left for camp Monday morning, cast & all...Nick & I have been home, just hanging out being mommy & son, enjoying the relative quiet...we spent most of Monday, driving all over town taking care of Brazil business trying to get a few final things ready to depart...honestly, I was ready to come home just cause its hard to live out of a suitcase & the 5 older kids were just about to the end of good time together...tired of each other & the heat.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


So, the Christian school where the boys attend do 3 graduations every year - kindergarten, 8th grade, and of course, high school....Nick graduated Tues nite (I'll post some pictures later), and one of our friends' daughters graduated from 8th grade today. I had to laugh, tho, 2 young ladies got up and sang "Friends" by Michael W. was all the rage when I graduated from high school (are you ready?) 22 years ago this coming week! Nick was laughing cuz I was singing along! Bob is in Brazil, preparing for a busy week of meetings as he works with the churches getting things ready for July. Check out the Brazil blog to the side - he will update as he has time from there....

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Busy-ness begins

Well, life has officially gotten crazy - from Thursday, May 15th thru Wednesday, May 21st, we had: pastors wives retreat, Bob's family here, 4th grade campout, and a trip to Sunsplash water park. And it only gets busier! June holds: Bob's prep trip to Brazil, me & the boys meeting him in Dallas on the way home for a week at my parents, kids camp for Bob & Nat,VBS, and a youth trip to Sunsplash. July is the big Brazil trip and youth camp into August. School starts back on the 18th, then maybe, just maybe things will slow down, but I doubt it! Even numbered summers are heck on wheels - we just hang on and let God work! Somewhere in the middle of all this, I turned 40 - not sure I feel forty, I just feel old!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

B..... slapped by grief

I know - 2 posts in one weekend...but I figured I'd let you (all 3 of you) know what went thru my mind this morning... 1st - our worship leader picked "Because He Lives" to sing this morning...normally I'm okay when I know its coming (it was sung at Nicki's funeral/memorial service) and usually do okay - figured it wouldn't be any different this morning. 2nd - Her birthday is coming up on the 12th, so I was thinking about her as well...3rd - our Bible Study lesson for the youth was based in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 about being able to see those who have passed in heaven when we die ourselves. I just lost it completely by the end of the lesson. My wonderful praise team members humored me & let me flake at the last minute (10 minutes before taking the stage) and who love me anyway...

Friday, March 28, 2008


I know, I know its been forever - I'm a busy woman who spends time online, but don't always have the time to compose my thoughts enough for you all (the 3 of you who look here) to read. I'm running crazy like usual, and today, actually had some time to sit...I should be doing laundry, but not too desirable at the moment - especially since there are still 2 loads to fold & put away from last weekend's laundry doing!
We have made the hard decision to NOT have the boys & I head to Brazil with Bob on the prep trip...the economy has impacted everything, and we weren't able to raise the money to go...while it wasn't an easy decision, its the right thing for this year. I will be contacting those of you who donated to see what you want done with what you contributed - I can refund it to you if you so desire...or I can transfer it to the general account in case there is someone else who needs it, or for other expenses that arise.
I had the chance to get together with 4 of my high school friends while we were at Cal Baptist in March - kind of a mini reunion - it was great to see Mary, Lynda, Tiff, Jena again! We chatted just like it had been days instead of years since the last time we were all together.
Now, its time to run - gotta go get the boys, get some bottled water for Bob, and probly go watch the baseball game - although its now cold and windy - don't know how long we'll last outside!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Here I sit....

You can finish the rest of that if you want....we're watching Indiana Jones #3 - Bob's at a basketball playoff game and we decided to stay home. More rain this last week, makes for muddy boys (including Bob). Headed to one of the local police departments w/Nick's kindergarten class today - his favorite part? The taser demonstration! They put handcuffs on one of the boys...we couldn't get them to let us have 27 pair! Nat got to sing at the pastor appreciation luncheon their school does each year - so we got to be "appreciated" and see him sing all at the same time. We've managed to keep fairly healthy this flu season, Nat spent 3 of 5 days home one week, but for the most part, we've been good. The dugouts still aren't done - but they're close - the season starts next week. Much ado about...seems like I'm always running - work, church, scouts, baseball - somewhere in there I sleep I think! I really should go clean up the dinner mess - I actually got to cook tonight - can't remember the last time I turned on the stove!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I dunno...I'm busy

What a whirlwind the past few months have been. We headed to So Cal for Christmas with Bob's family since mine is all in Texas or Ohio now...had a great time staying at his brother's home and spending time with his mom. We did take just a Veach family day with Mickey...Nick finally got to ride Indiana Jones (he was 1/2 inch too short last year), they loved it! Spent 4 days in Long Beach for Tsunami (annual State Youth conference). The youth get freaked out 'cause we always run into all sorts of people we knew from college and our years in So Cal.
Now, we need to start focusing on this summer's trip to Brazil - God willing, we will raise the $$ needed for the boys & I to head south with Bob when he heads down to set things up in early June. Most of you have probably received a letter asking for at a minimum your prayers, and we do really covet those! And some of you have already even sent some monetary support - of which we are really grateful as well. I will do my best to keep you all updated on our progress - our next big step is passports for the boys, which we should be able to get going next weekend (both parents have to be present to apply). I was in Brazil 24 years ago now and am looking forward to going back!
Time to go switch laundry and make some lunch for the monkeys before they head out with Bob to help get a baseball field ready. I forgot to mention, we did survive the awful wind storm that hit 2 weeks ago - 65 mph winds are not normal in this area. Some people in the area went for over a week w/o power! We got lucky & only lost it for nearly 10 hours. So, the batting cages at the Christian high school were semi destroyed - nothing up here is made to withstand that much wind.
Have a great weekend!