Friday, July 21, 2006


So, I haven't exactly been a busy bee all week, but seeing as how I didn't pry myself from bed until 10:30 this morning, you'd think I didn't sleep all week. I don't sleep well when Bob isn't home, so that may be part of it....

I have managed to get 2 loads of laundry done, the media ready for Sunday am and feed both kids off and on, but not much else today.

Bob told me that the church he's at actually had to turn people away for VBS on Tuesday because they max'd out the capacity of the church. This was because 500+ people showed up! What an incredible indicator of how hungry these people are for Christ. On top of that, they had 120 volunteers from the church coming every day to work - more than they needed. If only Cooper members could be that way - not caring about the property, the money or what type of kids are we drawing - just focused on sharing Christ with those who need Him. He's doing well, the knee gets stiff at night; and his throat is sore from all the talking/preaching he's doing, but nothing major. I don't have reports yet from the other churches - I'll share those when I get them.


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