Friday, July 07, 2006


okay - so I'm back from my trip to So Cal w/the boys - all that went quite well, they had a great time w/the grandparents and flying there & back.

I had to call to check the status of the visas for the Brazil trip next week - 12 people have raised money to travel to do VBS for a week, share Christ, etc, and we didnt' have their travel visas yet when I left town. I call today, and they still are not ready. The flight leaves 7/13 at 8:31 am from Sacramento - the contact keeps telling me its not a problem, but I'm more than just a little stressed about it. I can't take off work to go meet her to get them, and Bob in the course of standing still at camp has reinjured his bum knee, so I don't know what his driving status will be either. Can you tell I'm a little stressed out about all of this?! On top of it all, of course the boys want dinner, to watch a movie, etc - I go out to check our personal mail that I'm pretty sure I requested to be delivered today, and its not there. I head down the street to the post office, where they don't have it either. Not that I'm expecting anything, but its a little disconcerting to not have mail you know you should have!

I need to just calm down, eat & remember that God is ultimately in control of all of this & it will all work out to His glory. More for me to learn about serving Him wholeheartedly.

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