Monday, December 11, 2006
No White Boxes!
So, Saturday night, we are spending quality time as a family wrapping the extended family gifts...Nick (5) says that he doesn't want any white boxes when he opens presents on Christmas morning. His reasoning - last year Nathanael told him that when he sees a white box under the wrapping paper, it means its clothes inside not toys! He's only 5!!! I think I'm gonna wrap a couple of his gifts in white boxes, just to play with his mind a little - hee hee hee! Am I a bad mom for that thought? On that note, Nathanael forgot his science and history books over the weekend - he only needed them to study for a test today - am I a bad mom for hoping he does bad just to make him learn a lesson?! I know he won't, the kid has a mind like a steel trap and will probably ace it with no problems. We've been dealing with him complaining of being "distracted" so he doesn't finish his class work, or his tests in math. It's a challenge since he's a bright kid and learning so much, he just doesn't want to do the tedious stuff. So, we struggle on...
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Christmas Craziness
The season is upon us, and with it, the commercial part of it that we fight so hard to counter act. Nick nearly drove us nuts with "when are we going to put up our Christmas lights?" every morning, every night...every hour if he could have I think. He bugs us if we don't do the advent calendar each night. But yet, he doesn't hesitate to tell us exactly what he wants to find under the tree Christmas morning.
On another note, we are getting ready to head south for the holiday, doing the driving thing like we always do. We've only not gone home one year while up here & it nearly killed us (not to mention the parents!) to do so. I envy those who get to live near enough to parents (and grandparents) to see them more often during the year. And now that my mom is having some other issues post-stroke that are affecting her memory & such, it makes it all the more important for the boys to get to spend time with her.....
Alas, I am at work, and shouldn't get into emotional topics like this one! Just to get you even more emotional - head to Tony's blog or Carlos Whittaker's - both nearly made me cry all over my desk this morning!
On another note, we are getting ready to head south for the holiday, doing the driving thing like we always do. We've only not gone home one year while up here & it nearly killed us (not to mention the parents!) to do so. I envy those who get to live near enough to parents (and grandparents) to see them more often during the year. And now that my mom is having some other issues post-stroke that are affecting her memory & such, it makes it all the more important for the boys to get to spend time with her.....
Alas, I am at work, and shouldn't get into emotional topics like this one! Just to get you even more emotional - head to Tony's blog or Carlos Whittaker's - both nearly made me cry all over my desk this morning!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Raccoons, Coyotes and Squirrels Oh My
The weekend was good - we saw a coyote not 10 feet outside the windows of our cabin, 2 raccoons raiding the trash at another cabin, and a couple of different squirrels stockpiling their nut supply for the winter. We saw the coyote the day AFTER we were letting the boys play outside unattended, but within view. Got to do some hiking, and managed to get the 5 younger cousins all bought for for Christmas. Now I only have to get the stuff packaged and shipped - that may take longer than the shopping did! Came home Saturday instead of Sunday, Bob is fighting a cold and the park had burn piles going all over, one 50 feet from the cabin. We've always enjoyed heading up there, and actually probably would have gotten snowed on if we had stayed the extra day. I'm at work at the moment, will post pictures later when I get home, if I have time and energy!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Leaving town
we're headed away for the holiday - just us 4 to Jenness Park - camp for the youth in the summer time; and the place where we all nearly died from carbon monoxide poisoning 4 years ago. (I'll share that story later) Anyway, the boys are looking forward to going away with their daddy this time - no phones, no real tv (just movies we bring) and going hiking all over the place. Bob & I can work on our marriage & ministry presentation and just relax!
Have a great thanksgiving all 5 of you who read this!
Have a great thanksgiving all 5 of you who read this!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Long time - no post
Wow. Just realized its been 10 days since I last put anything here....sorry. Life, as usual has been busy - I just spent Friday nite with 5 teenage girls and 1 other adult at the Revolve Tour.
Got to see Natalie Grant, Tammy Trent, Chad Eastham, Zoe Girl, KJ 52. The girls seemed to enjoy it - hearing from a guy's perspective about the fact that how they dress directly affects the way he will treat them "if it ain't for sale, I don't wanna see it." "Modest is hottest"....some cool and touching testimonies - Natalie struggled with bulimia, Tammy lost her husband while he was free diving in Jamaica on Sept 10, 2001, she ended up stranded since no one could get to her. All focused on the fact that no matter what you feel like inside, God is always there, ready to take you in, ready to be the support you need right then.
Bob is gone again - Bakersfield this time, but only for 2 nights, then we aren't apart again till....not sure, but its after the new year! Yeah!!!! The boys will stay with my parents during state youth conference, but otherwise, we're done for a while!
I'm 'bout ready to fall over in sleep - although I think the big bad wolf is outside trying to blow my house down! They were predicting 100+ gusts in the Sierras. Maybe I'd better find the travel alarm clock in case I lose power.....
See you!
Got to see Natalie Grant, Tammy Trent, Chad Eastham, Zoe Girl, KJ 52. The girls seemed to enjoy it - hearing from a guy's perspective about the fact that how they dress directly affects the way he will treat them "if it ain't for sale, I don't wanna see it." "Modest is hottest"....some cool and touching testimonies - Natalie struggled with bulimia, Tammy lost her husband while he was free diving in Jamaica on Sept 10, 2001, she ended up stranded since no one could get to her. All focused on the fact that no matter what you feel like inside, God is always there, ready to take you in, ready to be the support you need right then.
Bob is gone again - Bakersfield this time, but only for 2 nights, then we aren't apart again till....not sure, but its after the new year! Yeah!!!! The boys will stay with my parents during state youth conference, but otherwise, we're done for a while!
I'm 'bout ready to fall over in sleep - although I think the big bad wolf is outside trying to blow my house down! They were predicting 100+ gusts in the Sierras. Maybe I'd better find the travel alarm clock in case I lose power.....
See you!
Friday, November 03, 2006
watching my boys grow
Today I watched Nick take a power ranger toy and do the complete air guitar thing while listening to one of those Kids Bop worship cds - even had the facial expressions going on - he's getting too big too fast - can't believe he's 5. Nat changing quickly as well - challenging me to think through things I never thought he could even begin to fathom. "Mommy, when I was in your tummy, why didn't the stomach acid eat me up?" My best answer (since I'm gonna hold Bob responsible for "that" chat, was that God protected him. But yet, they are still my little boys, still wanting to climb into my lap at different points in the day because we missed our normal morning snuggle time. That won't happen too much longer!
As for me, I'm randomly regaining my voice - sounded like Kim Carnes the other day - I was surprised patients would even talk to me! Bob is in Anaheim, at the National Youth Workers Convention. I've gone with him before, but no $$ this year for me and that means we need to find someone to come stay with the boys. He gets to hear all kinds of youth ministry gurus as well as some top bands. People like David Crowder, Chris Tomlin...which makes me jealous, but I'll survive.
As for me, I'm randomly regaining my voice - sounded like Kim Carnes the other day - I was surprised patients would even talk to me! Bob is in Anaheim, at the National Youth Workers Convention. I've gone with him before, but no $$ this year for me and that means we need to find someone to come stay with the boys. He gets to hear all kinds of youth ministry gurus as well as some top bands. People like David Crowder, Chris Tomlin...which makes me jealous, but I'll survive.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Just found one of my many cousins from my mom's side of the family on blogger....his link is over to the left's cool to find people when you aren't looking! The title is because in the last couple of weeks, I've been doing a "heritage report" for Nat for school. We had to interview my parents and such - one of the things that my mom wants Nat to remember about her mom is how she always said (she' s in a care facility w/Alzheimers) that God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. Interesting that Michael's mom (my aunt) has taught him the very same thing! My grandma is a woman of God, who has passed on her personal faith to all 9 of her kids! My other grandma is much the same way - she still has her mind tho, and so prays for all of us grandkids, our kids and her own kids by name each day - amazing for 90 years old. I think that verse in 3 John applies to both: I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
It is my prayer as well, as I raise 2 boys to walk with Christ in their own lives.
It is my prayer as well, as I raise 2 boys to walk with Christ in their own lives.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Long week
I know, its been at least a week since I last posted - things have been crazy. We've dealt not just with the church stuff, but also a bully situation w/Nat. There is one young man in his class who loves to antagonize kids until they react physcially, then when they respond or tell a teacher, he lies about what has happened & the other kid gets in trouble. Nat lost recess privileges one day this week over just such a situation - I wrote a note to the teacher in response to the discipline notice & she & Bob then had a good conversation after school one day. Seems we're not the only parents to actually write to her about this young man, which made me feel a little better that Nat isn't the only one getting picked on. We did assure her that we are teaching Nat that hitting is not the preferred method of getting back at someone, and she was very understanding. She said she didn't blame Nat at all for his response, only that it was physical & raised a welt on the young man's hand when the pencil made contact! In fact, she said that maybe just maybe it taught him a lesson!
Anyway - my parents up & went to Hawaii w/o us....oh well, I guess after 40 years of marriage, they can take business trip & turn it into pleasure if they want!
Anyway - my parents up & went to Hawaii w/o us....oh well, I guess after 40 years of marriage, they can take business trip & turn it into pleasure if they want!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Alone again
Well, Bob is off to Promise Keepers for the weekend...I'm getting used to being just me and the boys....
Been busy working for my friend Millie the last few days...she & her buddy run a business that lets people come in & prepare meals to freeze & cook
The advertising department from the local paper was actually hosting their Christmas party this morning & letting each of them create one entree. We served breakfast, then did all the clean up. Been a long time since I did any catering - mid high school I think - but it was good.
The boys are watching "The Wild" - cute little movie if I must say so myself.
Had an interesting conversation with my coworkers the other day. Seems a patient had basically told one of the hygienists that she was going to hell because she didn't have a personal relationship with Christ. And that when it came to be judgement time, God would remind her of the time that he had told her & she refused. Along the way in the conversation (before she stuck all the sharp instruments in his mouth), he also made a comment about one of the Drs being "born again" - she says, "I thought he was a Baptist". He responds that no, he's born again. So, here we stand in the middle of the office with me explaining about how the whole Protestant movement began and where the term born again even comes from. I have one Lutheran, one Catholic, one believer, one who was raised Mormon, and one who isn't quite sure...anyway - tried to do the best I could - don't know that I did any good. They then were discussing Christian music - I happened to have the van, so I went out & got the Audio Adrenaline Adios CD....its a little harder than I think any of them expected. Oh well, we listened to Christian music all afternoon after that.
Having a hard time keeping my eyes open & its barely 8pm...time to lay down on the couch I guess....and have the boys wake me up when the movie is over!
Been busy working for my friend Millie the last few days...she & her buddy run a business that lets people come in & prepare meals to freeze & cook
The advertising department from the local paper was actually hosting their Christmas party this morning & letting each of them create one entree. We served breakfast, then did all the clean up. Been a long time since I did any catering - mid high school I think - but it was good.
The boys are watching "The Wild" - cute little movie if I must say so myself.
Had an interesting conversation with my coworkers the other day. Seems a patient had basically told one of the hygienists that she was going to hell because she didn't have a personal relationship with Christ. And that when it came to be judgement time, God would remind her of the time that he had told her & she refused. Along the way in the conversation (before she stuck all the sharp instruments in his mouth), he also made a comment about one of the Drs being "born again" - she says, "I thought he was a Baptist". He responds that no, he's born again. So, here we stand in the middle of the office with me explaining about how the whole Protestant movement began and where the term born again even comes from. I have one Lutheran, one Catholic, one believer, one who was raised Mormon, and one who isn't quite sure...anyway - tried to do the best I could - don't know that I did any good. They then were discussing Christian music - I happened to have the van, so I went out & got the Audio Adrenaline Adios CD....its a little harder than I think any of them expected. Oh well, we listened to Christian music all afternoon after that.
Having a hard time keeping my eyes open & its barely 8pm...time to lay down on the couch I guess....and have the boys wake me up when the movie is over!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Biopsy results
Got the results this morning....margins were clear, slightly abnormal tissue, which means that it was nothing now, but if I had waited much longer, it could have turned nasty. She wants to see me again in 6 months......
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I've lost my oomph
its gone, bye bye.....all of a sudden, I hit the wall of not having the oomph to do much of anything...which is NOT a good thing when you're at work & will need to head to church in an hour or so.....
Monday, October 02, 2006
Suture removal
Or at least that's the technical name for getting one's stitches out....all five externals out today, hardly felt a thing. Biopsy had just arrived at the office & the Dr hadn't had time to look over the results, so I'm still waiting. Will let you know when I know.....
Saturday, September 30, 2006

About 11:30 last nite, Bob is asleep on the couch, I'm dozing thru the news while on the floor, when I hear a sound like ladyfinger firecrackers outside. The family across the street is known for being loud & all, so I peek out the window & realize something is in my view that usually isn't. So I turn on the porch light to get a better view. I can now tell that what I heard is the branch of the 100yr old acacia tree cracking and falling. Whowee fun. Woke Bob up from his stupor to go investigate. It landed about 6 feet from the house, so no damage there. Bob stopped by the land lord's house on his way into town to see if he was even up (he's working on building a house for themselves) and let him know. Crazy stuff - I'm sure we'll be working on it later, although all Bob has is a little hack saw, nothing big enough to get all the way thru the big part of the branch.
As for my arm, it is beginning to itch...a good sign I know, but I can't scratch it since the stiches are still in it till Monday. I should get the biopsy results then. Nat's regualr MD doesn't think we need to do anything just yet w/the thing on his side - keep an eye on it for now - call if it changes kinda thing. Still no definitive answer. Nat is adamant that he doesn't want to have it cut out, so I guess we'll wait a little bit longer.
The situation at church isn't getting any better. Had a phone call last night that someone will be printing up a motion to be brought at the next scheduled business meeting to vote the guy out. So, now Bob needs to get his written statement going that he as the pastor is not in support of the motion and will not be voting on it at all. It is really our only course we can take to help our side of the case should the guy decide to file suit. Not that it will completely protect us, but at least its on file. Bob was talking to the gentleman who has been counselling him thru this and he can't believe the whole thing.
Anyway, I need to go find myself some breakfast, maybe shower so I can be ready to work when Bob gets back from Bible study........
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Healing Process
well, so far, my husband has pushed hard on my shoulder & 2 of my 6 coworkers have...all accidental of course...but still enough to cause some slight discomfort. I left the bandages off today, the rest of my skin is all red & angry from the adhesive in the bandaids I was using. Oh well - life goes on and my skin is changing.
Scouts tomorrow nite, md appointments Friday am, nothing else major going on - yeah!!!! Do need to plan something for me & the boys to do in October while Bob heads to Vegas again with his brothers. Nat happens to be out of school the same time, so I may take off work one day to spend with them.
Scouts tomorrow nite, md appointments Friday am, nothing else major going on - yeah!!!! Do need to plan something for me & the boys to do in October while Bob heads to Vegas again with his brothers. Nat happens to be out of school the same time, so I may take off work one day to spend with them.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
As in I have 3 internal and 5 external. A neat diagonal scar right across the point of my right shoulder. No real pain unless me or someone bumps it - I go back in 10 days to have them removed - hopefully I'll have a biopsy report prior to that and I'm praying its clear. As for Nathanaels' mystery bump, she measured it & told me to bring him back in a week to see if things had changed. Not a whole lot more than I already knew, but that's all she had to say. It could be that since she was only working by the light from the window, she didn't have many options (the wind was blowing 30-40 mph that day & the whole building lost power). So, next Friday, when Nick has his 5 year old check up, we'll check Nat too. Such fun.
Church was interesting this morning - all the people not happy with the plan of restoration boycotted - made it hard to focus on leading worship when I know that God is not being honored by all who call themselves part of this particular congregation. Bob was preaching & did a great job - focusing on bringing in the lost - something that this church needs to get back to doing instead of worrying about themselves. He did go spend quite a bit of time w/both the boys Thursday morning - and offered to be their transportation to the church when that time comes.
On a positive note - today is Nick's bday - a big 5 years old! We spent most of the afternoon assembling the 4 power ranger toys he got - discovering one I need to take back tomorrow cause it doesn't make the sounds it supposed to. Such is life as a parent.
Church was interesting this morning - all the people not happy with the plan of restoration boycotted - made it hard to focus on leading worship when I know that God is not being honored by all who call themselves part of this particular congregation. Bob was preaching & did a great job - focusing on bringing in the lost - something that this church needs to get back to doing instead of worrying about themselves. He did go spend quite a bit of time w/both the boys Thursday morning - and offered to be their transportation to the church when that time comes.
On a positive note - today is Nick's bday - a big 5 years old! We spent most of the afternoon assembling the 4 power ranger toys he got - discovering one I need to take back tomorrow cause it doesn't make the sounds it supposed to. Such is life as a parent.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Bob's ability to control his tongue
Well, the meeting last night went for 3 (yes 3) hours before my husband came home. I left after the first hour because I needed to get the boys into bed. Its crazy, there are people who are dead set against any form of restoration - people who are supposedly leaders of the church. Bob was prepared at one point for one person to stand up and ask for his resignation, but it never happened. He explained that he & the deacon body had set up the procedures/precautions and that the offender had agreed to those as well; but people were still on a vendetta. And now, 5 years later, they are suddenly worried about the boys who are his victims! Haven't been all this time, but now that they can be used as a tool to get rid of the offender since they can't be anywhere near him. Anyway - he did have several people tell him they were proud of the way he managed to keep his tongue & not fly off the handle. So, keep praying that things will go as God wants for this church.
On another note - Nathanael has a really weird thing on his side - looks almost like a bug planted an egg sac under his skin! WEIRD! He has an appointment tomorrow morning with the doctor - he doesn't like needles, it could get interesting. My appointment about my shoulder is tomorrow afternoon - 3:15 to exise the small mole/freckle on my right shoulder. We both may have stiches tomorrow nite....I may post pictures, we'll see.
Gotta get back to dental business.....anyone need a crown done? :)
On another note - Nathanael has a really weird thing on his side - looks almost like a bug planted an egg sac under his skin! WEIRD! He has an appointment tomorrow morning with the doctor - he doesn't like needles, it could get interesting. My appointment about my shoulder is tomorrow afternoon - 3:15 to exise the small mole/freckle on my right shoulder. We both may have stiches tomorrow nite....I may post pictures, we'll see.
Gotta get back to dental business.....anyone need a crown done? :)
Friday, September 15, 2006
no, I don't mean from a situation, altho that would be my option of choice right now, I am about 20 minutes east of Chicofor our associational women's retreat. I want to just hide from everyone, and study God's word, but I do need to eat & part of refreshing my spirit will need to include some corporate worship, so I will at some point need to leave my room! I've already headed farther up a trail than I should have, if only because I was alone & noone knew where I was headed (heck, even I didn't know where I was headed)! So, once I passed the mountain lion scat (I think) I figured I needed to head back to the land of the living. This is where I was when I wrote about my paternal grandmother's influence on my life, and I was reminded of it again as I passed the streams by. I had written that her influence was like a stream, deep and still in places, but rushing and noisy in others. Kinda like God - the still times are good and refreshing, but its the rapids that make the noise & the glory! Anyway, only spotted a little lizard on a rock wall, but I'm sure I will see the deer family that resides within the preserve sometime tomorrow. Its cool & a little breezy here right now, but its supposed to heat back up tomorrow I think.
Nick was cute this morning, last weekend when we left, he didn't fuss or cry or nothing. This morning when I was leaving, he got all clingy. Sometimes little boys just need to love on their mommies. I hugged him close & we sang "you are my sunshine" together before I got in the van w/my friend to leave. He'll be okay - Daddy took him to lunch somewhere I'm sure, then he probly watched cartoons till time to go get Nathanael from school.
I think I'm gonna nap for a few before its time to head down for dinner.
Nick was cute this morning, last weekend when we left, he didn't fuss or cry or nothing. This morning when I was leaving, he got all clingy. Sometimes little boys just need to love on their mommies. I hugged him close & we sang "you are my sunshine" together before I got in the van w/my friend to leave. He'll be okay - Daddy took him to lunch somewhere I'm sure, then he probly watched cartoons till time to go get Nathanael from school.
I think I'm gonna nap for a few before its time to head down for dinner.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
lynch mobs
Well, that wonderful possible legal situation is only getting worse. According to California law, we MUST give 2 weeks notice before a called business meeting (the one they're planning to oust the man); our 50 year old outdated bylaws make no such stipulation, so now the group is willing to forego the law to meet anyway. The biggest personal problem I have w/all of this is that if any lawsuit arises out of an illegal meeting, ergo an illegal vote, the church leadership is almost always the ones who end up taking the full brunt of said law suit. Since Bob is the only staff member right now, that means us. It didn't make things any better that 2 of the people calling for the meeting told Bob that the outside advice he got to hold off, announce legally, etc was probably the right thing to do. By Wednesday's council meeting, they had decided to go ahead & proceed as they had originally planned. The doubt about if its time to leave is getting smaller & smaller by the minute. This is NOT how anyone should leave a church! I'm headed off to a women's retreat - I had decided to go last week or so, just to get away to feed my own soul - now I'll probably spend a lot of time in prayer about the whole thing. Bob will be meeting w/the deacons, then all of them w/the offender & his wife to try & deal with all of this. So, not only does he have that stress, he'll have the boys as well. Keep all of us in prayer...tears are welling even as I type...I know God is here, He has promised that, but it sure is hard to imagine that He is in this situation! People who claim to be godly are being punitive and judgemental; not allowing the healing Spirit to be in control at all - and it is going to tear too many people apart.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Last weekend
Bob & I had a great time - just the two of us, rattling around w/no real was a good thing! Saw some incredible redwoods near Santa Cruz, crawled inside one, then watched a herd of 6 deer walk no more than 15 feet from us - incredible! Headed up highway 1 north, stopped at a beach & hiked down from the parking lot to climb on some rocks & investigate the tide pools - very cool. Found a little gobi fish about 3/4 inch long that was so well camoflaged (spelling???) we nearly missed him. We will need to take the boys back sometime so they can see it all too.
Keep praying about the other situation - we're now having to deal with the fact that he wants to be part of the fellowship again, but people have already burned up the phone lines that we're going to vote him out. All this probably within the time frame of noon (when he went forward at church) to not even 1pm Sunday afternoon. Why is it that we Christians can be so vengeful and spiteful?! Yes, as a parent, and someone who is very close to the situation, I would love to see him attend someplace else. But, yet, Christ in me says that we need to give him a chance to repent and re-establish the trust. Anyway.......
Time to go eat my microwaved frozen dinner that I brought from lunch....patients will be walking in very shortly!
Keep praying about the other situation - we're now having to deal with the fact that he wants to be part of the fellowship again, but people have already burned up the phone lines that we're going to vote him out. All this probably within the time frame of noon (when he went forward at church) to not even 1pm Sunday afternoon. Why is it that we Christians can be so vengeful and spiteful?! Yes, as a parent, and someone who is very close to the situation, I would love to see him attend someplace else. But, yet, Christ in me says that we need to give him a chance to repent and re-establish the trust. Anyway.......
Time to go eat my microwaved frozen dinner that I brought from lunch....patients will be walking in very shortly!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Dental life has been a week of wanting to pull my hair out.....patients just don't want to come in, not that its my fault, but I still feel responsible when everyone is standing around with nothing to do. Anyway, Bob & I are heading away for the weekend just us - no kids. We need to just be us for a few days.
Things aren't slowing down in any way - started cub scouts again tonite...Nathanael & I are doing this together, which doesn't make it too bad, but when I'm the leader and have had a long day, its just makes it hard to contemplate leading 2 very active little 8 year olds!
Gotta go finish packing - have a great day everyone!
Things aren't slowing down in any way - started cub scouts again tonite...Nathanael & I are doing this together, which doesn't make it too bad, but when I'm the leader and have had a long day, its just makes it hard to contemplate leading 2 very active little 8 year olds!
Gotta go finish packing - have a great day everyone!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Let us pray, part 2
Things went okay last nite....the person in question is prepared for the fact that there are people who will not be thrilled that he is back. He just doesn't want to make a spectacle, etc. He is very aware of the limits of his parole & is ready to cooperate about that. As for the repentance issue, that's a hard read still. He's only been out at the most a week, so still a little rough around the edges after 5 years in prison. So, we will still be praying for a smooth morning.....
We've got a long weekend with no real plans except to sort of clean out the garage that we bombed w/spider killer. Its no fun to find black widows 2 inches across in there w/all our stuff!
We've got a long weekend with no real plans except to sort of clean out the garage that we bombed w/spider killer. Its no fun to find black widows 2 inches across in there w/all our stuff!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Let us pray.......
Bob is headed off to a confrontation he knew would eventually happen, but has been dreading for 5 years. Long story, but the short of it is that a person who is (was) a member of our church has been incarcerated since summer 2001 for inappropriate conduct w/kids was released this last weekend. He has made it known that he is expecting to walk onto the church grounds Sunday am and not be hindered at all. Bob checked w/the local PD and while they cannot hinder his religious freedom, by all means we can to protect the children that God has entrusted to our care. Soooo...Bob and a few deacons are headed to the hotel he & his wife are staying at (2 of the victims are the grandkids they have custody of, although they're both in juvie -don't ask right now) to confront him about openly repenting, etc...we shall see how it goes. Bob said this afternoon that he's dealt with more than he ever expected in the 7 years we've been here. In just one kid, we have atttempted suicide, drugs and cutting; molestation issues from the above mentioned situation....lots of things that the college level degree does nothing to prepare you for! Anyway, God has been good in equipping those He calls,! I'll let you know how things go later....Chelle
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Let's just say that my hormones are in rare form this week - breakdown Monday morning before we even leave the and giving and giving...'bout ready to break is what I felt like. Things are much better now, but still a little touch and go. I may head to our association's women's retreat just for my own sabbath if I can get and afford a single room. I won't mind going to the general sessions, they will probly be good for me, but I just need some time to myself to rejuvenate - feeling quite spiritually dry at the moment. It doesn't help that I'm feeling like I'm coming down w/something - scratchy throat only now. My coworkers have all been fighting it as well, so it's probly my turn. They're blaming it all on me since I was sick at the beginning of the month, but their symptoms are different than those I started with. Anyway.......
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Birthday Parties

Well, we survived.....5 little boys on a sugar rush in the small confines of the van is quite an experience! Didn't think about that when we ordered the party platter pizookie from BJ's - a hot chocolate chip cookie the size of a large pizza with close to 1/2 gallon of ice cream on top....delicious, but quite the sugar filled treat! Anyway, we had a great time, the boys had fun & we're safe for now, at least until Nick's birthday in September.
Headed over to the church picnic/swim party at the local park....could be interesting since very few people know about Bob's tatoo...they will now! I'll have to post later what the reaction is...he designed it himself
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Rambling along
I can't think of a title, so I'll ramble for a bit & see what happens.
Had an appointment w/a dermatologist Wed afternoon - mole on my shoulder has changed recently, and after my brother's melanoma diagnosis this last spring, I figured I should have it checked out. She's concerned enough to schedule me to have it removed, but not overly concerned if that makes sense. Given my fair skin, light eyes & tendency to fry myself, I am the walking poster child for skin cancer. I also had my annual woman check up - weird feeling since his daughters are in Nathanael's class...he wants me to see a regular MD about the vertigo problem I'm dealing with. Then we see each other in the school parking lot picking up kids.....very weird. so more appointments to come. Nick wanted to know if I got any shots....
Headed to see "Barnyard" with the boys and 3 of Nathanael's friends today - first time we've done a party that included some school friends - should be interesting...
Had an appointment w/a dermatologist Wed afternoon - mole on my shoulder has changed recently, and after my brother's melanoma diagnosis this last spring, I figured I should have it checked out. She's concerned enough to schedule me to have it removed, but not overly concerned if that makes sense. Given my fair skin, light eyes & tendency to fry myself, I am the walking poster child for skin cancer. I also had my annual woman check up - weird feeling since his daughters are in Nathanael's class...he wants me to see a regular MD about the vertigo problem I'm dealing with. Then we see each other in the school parking lot picking up kids.....very weird. so more appointments to come. Nick wanted to know if I got any shots....
Headed to see "Barnyard" with the boys and 3 of Nathanael's friends today - first time we've done a party that included some school friends - should be interesting...
Saturday, August 19, 2006
School is starting/20 years w/Bob
Nat starts school next week.....1 day before he turns 8. Scary to think he's growing up that fast, starting 3rd grade already. We decided to hold Nick back a year for Kindergarten....some days I think that's the right decision & others I don't. Guess that's what parenting is all about, isn't it? Went supply shopping yesterday - I'm glad I've got a Wal-mart nearby, that's for sure.
20 years ago this month, right around this week I believe, Bob & I, I've known him more than 1/2 my life! Hard to believe, but true.
Speaking of being near 40, I've got to go get out the box of stuff that keeps me from looking 80 - I'm just not ready to go fully gray ala Taylor Hicks!
20 years ago this month, right around this week I believe, Bob & I, I've known him more than 1/2 my life! Hard to believe, but true.
Speaking of being near 40, I've got to go get out the box of stuff that keeps me from looking 80 - I'm just not ready to go fully gray ala Taylor Hicks!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Flying during an orange alert
Well, of all days for Bob's 81 year old mother to fly home, it was yesterday! So, she & Bob headed to Sacto airport 3.5 hours before she needed to be there just to be sure she could get thru & he could get a security pass to take her to the gate. The plane left about 45 minutes late, but she did make it home in one piece, with all her liquid stuff checked in the belly of the plane.
I'm still dealing w/a little vertigo - seems to be the worst at nite when I'm tired, but not as debilitating (did I spell that right?) as it was. We'll see how things go from here. Feeling a little sinusy tonite, but last Sunday when I took a sudafed for the same feeling, I felt quite loopy & had to help lead worship from a bar stool so I wouldn't fall over on stage. So, took a couple advil to see if that helps.......
Have a great weekend!
I'm still dealing w/a little vertigo - seems to be the worst at nite when I'm tired, but not as debilitating (did I spell that right?) as it was. We'll see how things go from here. Feeling a little sinusy tonite, but last Sunday when I took a sudafed for the same feeling, I felt quite loopy & had to help lead worship from a bar stool so I wouldn't fall over on stage. So, took a couple advil to see if that helps.......
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Well - things are going pretty well - Bob's mom is here until this coming Thursday - the boys are enjoying having her here & she enjoys it too.
I spent most of last week sick in bed & now I'm having some real vertigo issues - scary - when all I do is roll over in bed & feel like the ceiling is spinning! I've done some quick research online & it seems to be an inner ear problem that can come on after being ill, but I will probably see an MD here soon to get myself checked out. As for the sick in bed, probably my body's reaction to finally having Bob home for more than 7 days straight - telling me to slow down & all that! I lost 5 pounds in 2 days, not a fun thing to do by any stretch!
Took Pat to San Fran on Friday, fairly walked her legs off - but we had a good time at Pier 39. Went to the aquarium & had dinner at Bubba Gumps....a good time was had by all, but we were all pooped by the time we got back home.
I spent most of last week sick in bed & now I'm having some real vertigo issues - scary - when all I do is roll over in bed & feel like the ceiling is spinning! I've done some quick research online & it seems to be an inner ear problem that can come on after being ill, but I will probably see an MD here soon to get myself checked out. As for the sick in bed, probably my body's reaction to finally having Bob home for more than 7 days straight - telling me to slow down & all that! I lost 5 pounds in 2 days, not a fun thing to do by any stretch!
Took Pat to San Fran on Friday, fairly walked her legs off - but we had a good time at Pier 39. Went to the aquarium & had dinner at Bubba Gumps....a good time was had by all, but we were all pooped by the time we got back home.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
He's Home

The photo on the left is a banner that Bob's church gave him...they had all been praying and when they opened their eyes, this was in front of them. In case you can't read it "WORDS ARE NOT ABLE TO EXPRESS NOW MUCH GRATEFUL WE ARE FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE HERE". The one on the left is the crowd waiting to come in & register for VBS. Bob said the line would spill out on to the sidewalk, die down into the corridor, then build back up again. The pastor told him the total attendance for the week was 1600+. He didn't yet have a salvation count, that will come later, I hope. All in all , things went well, he didn't leave anyone behind (wanted to, but didn't), and they all came home wanting to go back again in 2008.
The weather has finally cooled off here, enough that I'm not worried about Bob ending up w/heat stroke while he mows the lawn this morning! We're gonna head out somewhere as a family, not sure where yet, but together & that's all that matters!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Yes, its hot here - 111 degrees & its 6:40pm! Argh! The power flickered a little bit ago and so the AC lost its momentum. The inside temp rose 5 degrees in 5 minutes - not a good thing! I hear they shut down a skilled nursing facility in Stockton - one of the residents died over nite as their AC failed completely. They were transporting the other residents elsewhere to keep cool.
Talked to Bob last nite, things are wrapping up for them. They were supposed to do the "Grateful" service tonite - where the churches thank them for coming and all that. Probably a lot of tears - the Brazilian people are always soooo appreciative of people coming. Bob said he & another missionary were "mobbed" for their autographs yesterday - had to have "crowd control" and everything!
Just found out that Bob's best friend Vinny is on some island in the Indian Ocean flying his B-1 bomber. He went straight into the AF from the academy, and has never yet had to deploy until now. His wife and 3 kids are in Texas, anxiously waiting for him to come home. Scary to have someone I know so well to be over there in danger.
The boys & I went to a minor league game last nite in Sacramento - I was literally dripping in breeze or anything to help out. My boss had bought 40 tickets for all of us in the 3 offices so we could all get together & have some fun. One of the girls even caught a fly ball. I was walking along the concourse & heard someone yell my name, it was the brother of an old friend of mine from grade school! I knew he was in Folsom, but never imagined I'd see him anywhere! Crazy small world.
Talked to Bob last nite, things are wrapping up for them. They were supposed to do the "Grateful" service tonite - where the churches thank them for coming and all that. Probably a lot of tears - the Brazilian people are always soooo appreciative of people coming. Bob said he & another missionary were "mobbed" for their autographs yesterday - had to have "crowd control" and everything!
Just found out that Bob's best friend Vinny is on some island in the Indian Ocean flying his B-1 bomber. He went straight into the AF from the academy, and has never yet had to deploy until now. His wife and 3 kids are in Texas, anxiously waiting for him to come home. Scary to have someone I know so well to be over there in danger.
The boys & I went to a minor league game last nite in Sacramento - I was literally dripping in breeze or anything to help out. My boss had bought 40 tickets for all of us in the 3 offices so we could all get together & have some fun. One of the girls even caught a fly ball. I was walking along the concourse & heard someone yell my name, it was the brother of an old friend of mine from grade school! I knew he was in Folsom, but never imagined I'd see him anywhere! Crazy small world.
Friday, July 21, 2006
So, I haven't exactly been a busy bee all week, but seeing as how I didn't pry myself from bed until 10:30 this morning, you'd think I didn't sleep all week. I don't sleep well when Bob isn't home, so that may be part of it....
I have managed to get 2 loads of laundry done, the media ready for Sunday am and feed both kids off and on, but not much else today.
Bob told me that the church he's at actually had to turn people away for VBS on Tuesday because they max'd out the capacity of the church. This was because 500+ people showed up! What an incredible indicator of how hungry these people are for Christ. On top of that, they had 120 volunteers from the church coming every day to work - more than they needed. If only Cooper members could be that way - not caring about the property, the money or what type of kids are we drawing - just focused on sharing Christ with those who need Him. He's doing well, the knee gets stiff at night; and his throat is sore from all the talking/preaching he's doing, but nothing major. I don't have reports yet from the other churches - I'll share those when I get them.
I have managed to get 2 loads of laundry done, the media ready for Sunday am and feed both kids off and on, but not much else today.
Bob told me that the church he's at actually had to turn people away for VBS on Tuesday because they max'd out the capacity of the church. This was because 500+ people showed up! What an incredible indicator of how hungry these people are for Christ. On top of that, they had 120 volunteers from the church coming every day to work - more than they needed. If only Cooper members could be that way - not caring about the property, the money or what type of kids are we drawing - just focused on sharing Christ with those who need Him. He's doing well, the knee gets stiff at night; and his throat is sore from all the talking/preaching he's doing, but nothing major. I don't have reports yet from the other churches - I'll share those when I get them.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Restful Sunday
Well, I didn't mean to, but I ended up napping most of 2 hours away this afternoon once we got home from church. I don't sleep well at night when Bob's not home, so the naps become vital - wonder if I can work one in tomorrow at work?!
Bob emailed me this morning - things are going pretty well so far, he preached tonite, will again Wed nite & Sun night. The rest of the week he'll be dong home visits & helping teach VBS with the other missionaries at the church.
The boys are doing okay, the longness of this trip hasn't hit just yet, but I know from past experience that it will. Nick will especially get really clingy and whiny by about Wed or Thurs. I'll be about ready to throttle him, I'm sure.
Bob emailed me this morning - things are going pretty well so far, he preached tonite, will again Wed nite & Sun night. The rest of the week he'll be dong home visits & helping teach VBS with the other missionaries at the church.
The boys are doing okay, the longness of this trip hasn't hit just yet, but I know from past experience that it will. Nick will especially get really clingy and whiny by about Wed or Thurs. I'll be about ready to throttle him, I'm sure.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Well, for basically 2 days, we (I) have been slugs around the house. Today, I did actually get the boys outside for awhile while I was trimming my rose bushes - something I've needed to do for quite some time. Chatted w/the new neighbor in the process - his wife's great grandmother pulled a hand cart along the Mormon trail years ago to help settle Mount Pleasant. They are an interesting couple. He said his grandfather was a Baptist circuit preacher - and that growing up, he had gone to the local Baptist church every Sunday. Yet, they did their "mission" doing sight seeing tours along the Mormon Trail. He must have converted to marry her years ago.
No word from Bob today, I'm assuming that all is going well. The recording says that his other bag was found and was supposed to be delivered this afternoon sometime. I'm sure that will be a big relief to him.
I discovered Wednesday this week that I will be the only youth teacher for the next 2 Sundays - Bob & Stanley are in Brazil, and Pete is doing his Nat'l Guard thing, as well as vacation. My luck all the kids will come & I'll have 20 instead of the normal 10. Oh well, God will take care of us!
No word from Bob today, I'm assuming that all is going well. The recording says that his other bag was found and was supposed to be delivered this afternoon sometime. I'm sure that will be a big relief to him.
I discovered Wednesday this week that I will be the only youth teacher for the next 2 Sundays - Bob & Stanley are in Brazil, and Pete is doing his Nat'l Guard thing, as well as vacation. My luck all the kids will come & I'll have 20 instead of the normal 10. Oh well, God will take care of us!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Found Bags
Well, he has one of two bags - at least its the one w/his clothes! The other one has pencils/bubbles/give away stuff for VBS next week.
Have spent most of the day just hanging out here at the house. Worked on a power point thing for Tsunami in December about balancing ministry & marriage. I included our calendars for the summer months this year - more of an example of what NOT to do!
The boys have watched all 6 Star Wars movies in the course of the day....the box has been king. I am sitting where they can come interact w/me - we've done some star wars trivia online & they've even talked to Daddy at one point when I called the pastor's house in Brazil trying to track him down.
Talk at ya later!
Have spent most of the day just hanging out here at the house. Worked on a power point thing for Tsunami in December about balancing ministry & marriage. I included our calendars for the summer months this year - more of an example of what NOT to do!
The boys have watched all 6 Star Wars movies in the course of the day....the box has been king. I am sitting where they can come interact w/me - we've done some star wars trivia online & they've even talked to Daddy at one point when I called the pastor's house in Brazil trying to track him down.
Talk at ya later!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Lost luggage
So, Bob finally arrived in Rio - after getting rerouted to Sao Paulo - they had to circle the airport for awhile, until they nearly ran out of gas, so the plane heads to Rio to refuel, basically passing time until Sao Paulo is ready for them. Even tho Rio is their final destination, they are not allowed to deplane, but go back to SP, then run to the flight to Rio! Needless to say, his bags are no where to be found at this point. I just called the hot line & they haven't located his bags. He has no clothes, shampoo, his life has not gotten any easier by any stretch!
As far as I know, the other group left on time this morning, I haven't heard otherwise. It is quite possible that the missing bags are on their flight since that was the original flight plan, but who knows right now.
The boys are doing pretty good, it hasn't completely sunk in just yet since he's only been gone 3 nights total. Next week could be a different story.
Time to sack out again!
As far as I know, the other group left on time this morning, I haven't heard otherwise. It is quite possible that the missing bags are on their flight since that was the original flight plan, but who knows right now.
The boys are doing pretty good, it hasn't completely sunk in just yet since he's only been gone 3 nights total. Next week could be a different story.
Time to sack out again!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
God is good
Okay, so I admit it, I was beginning to doubt that this would get pulled off....9:30 this morning, I get a call at work that the visas have been approved, I just needed to get someone to drive the 3 hour 1 way trip to San Francisco to pick them up. Thankfully, a couple people had already volunteered to do that for us - a couple phone calls & it was taken care of. I didn't get personal possession of them until 5:30 tonite, but I got them! As for Bob, mechanical plane difficulties caused him & Stanley to reroute thru Sao Paulo to Rio instead. Not what he wanted to do! He said that he had written in his journal that for a control freak and perfectionist, this was driving him absolutely crazy! He will live, and he knows he just needs to relax & let God take control. I just need to worry that the emails I sent to the pastor in Rio will get there so he knows to not show up until 2 hours later than originally planned.
As a result of the great stress release this morning, I managed to get nearly nothing accomplished all day at work...and it didn't help that I needed to be at church tonite in case any youth showed up. Luckily, I don't have a DDS in the morning, so I will have some time to recoup & finish what I need to.
I'm gonna go veg out for a while - my brain is quite tired!
As a result of the great stress release this morning, I managed to get nearly nothing accomplished all day at work...and it didn't help that I needed to be at church tonite in case any youth showed up. Luckily, I don't have a DDS in the morning, so I will have some time to recoup & finish what I need to.
I'm gonna go veg out for a while - my brain is quite tired!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

WE STILL DON'T HAVE VISAS!!!! Can you tell I'm more than a little ready to call it quits with this whole trip?! The lady is supposed to head back to the consulate when they open at 10 am tomorrow morning to try & push things thru so she can somehow get them to me in time for me to get them to the missionaries before they have to leave for Sac for their 8:30am flight out Thur am.
Other than that, I'm doing okay - dropped Bob & Stanley off at the airport so they can catch their flight in the morning - this is the last stretch of time he'll be gone this summer. This will make 5 of the last 8 that he hasn't been home. That's probly the biggest thing I'm struggling with right now - I don't like him gone, but how can I tell God that He can't have my husband? I usually do okay, but its the boys that have the hardest time with all of it. Nick even prayed one nite that Daddy wouldn't have any more goings away. That was in early June I think. Boys need their daddies. Stanley told me tonite that the men's prayer group has been praying that next summer won't be so busy so we can spend time together as a family - we're praying that way, too. Maybe we'll all go to Brazil on our own. Think I'll start the visa process now!
The pic is from last summer at Fort Bragg...the boys were really boys that week!
Its nearly 11 - I need to get to bed before heading back to the office in the morning....night all!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
What a morning - helped lead worship at church w/both my boys singing along - cool! Bob was supposed to preach, but since he had our youth speaking about their camp experiences, there was not time for a message, but what the kids had to say was incredible - about not being ashamed to share Christ w/their friends anymore, about trusting God, about accepting His control. It was cool!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Got to thinking that some of you may want to know the travel schedule for Brazil - Bob leaves on Wed the 12th w/one other missionary, arriving in Rio on Thurs the 13th. The other 12 leave on Thurs am, arriving on Fri the 14th. They all start the trek back on Tues the 25th, arriving back here on Wed the 26th. The plan is to do some evangelistic visits, along w/VBS in the afternoons, alongside w/the existing church members. All this at 3 different churches in a town called Sao Jao de Meriti outside Rio.
Bob's knee is doing okay, he says he can put some weight on it, but not much. He comes home from camp today, so we'll see how things go once he gets here.
As for the visa situation, I got a call from the lady again this morning, stating that the consulate called her late yesterday that they can't read one of the birth certificates I faxed 2 weeks ago & so I need to refax them. I'm waiting on a phone call from Bob to see if he still has them in his office or if I need to make 4 more last minute phone calls. Good news - Bob just called, he still has the birth certs in his office - so I don't need to call anyone, just the fax, ma'am, just the fax...
Keep us all in prayer, its particularly hard on the boys to be w/o their daddy for so many days in a row.....
Hey, my mail is here :)
Bob's knee is doing okay, he says he can put some weight on it, but not much. He comes home from camp today, so we'll see how things go once he gets here.
As for the visa situation, I got a call from the lady again this morning, stating that the consulate called her late yesterday that they can't read one of the birth certificates I faxed 2 weeks ago & so I need to refax them. I'm waiting on a phone call from Bob to see if he still has them in his office or if I need to make 4 more last minute phone calls. Good news - Bob just called, he still has the birth certs in his office - so I don't need to call anyone, just the fax, ma'am, just the fax...
Keep us all in prayer, its particularly hard on the boys to be w/o their daddy for so many days in a row.....
Hey, my mail is here :)
Friday, July 07, 2006
okay - so I'm back from my trip to So Cal w/the boys - all that went quite well, they had a great time w/the grandparents and flying there & back.
I had to call to check the status of the visas for the Brazil trip next week - 12 people have raised money to travel to do VBS for a week, share Christ, etc, and we didnt' have their travel visas yet when I left town. I call today, and they still are not ready. The flight leaves 7/13 at 8:31 am from Sacramento - the contact keeps telling me its not a problem, but I'm more than just a little stressed about it. I can't take off work to go meet her to get them, and Bob in the course of standing still at camp has reinjured his bum knee, so I don't know what his driving status will be either. Can you tell I'm a little stressed out about all of this?! On top of it all, of course the boys want dinner, to watch a movie, etc - I go out to check our personal mail that I'm pretty sure I requested to be delivered today, and its not there. I head down the street to the post office, where they don't have it either. Not that I'm expecting anything, but its a little disconcerting to not have mail you know you should have!
I need to just calm down, eat & remember that God is ultimately in control of all of this & it will all work out to His glory. More for me to learn about serving Him wholeheartedly.
I had to call to check the status of the visas for the Brazil trip next week - 12 people have raised money to travel to do VBS for a week, share Christ, etc, and we didnt' have their travel visas yet when I left town. I call today, and they still are not ready. The flight leaves 7/13 at 8:31 am from Sacramento - the contact keeps telling me its not a problem, but I'm more than just a little stressed about it. I can't take off work to go meet her to get them, and Bob in the course of standing still at camp has reinjured his bum knee, so I don't know what his driving status will be either. Can you tell I'm a little stressed out about all of this?! On top of it all, of course the boys want dinner, to watch a movie, etc - I go out to check our personal mail that I'm pretty sure I requested to be delivered today, and its not there. I head down the street to the post office, where they don't have it either. Not that I'm expecting anything, but its a little disconcerting to not have mail you know you should have!
I need to just calm down, eat & remember that God is ultimately in control of all of this & it will all work out to His glory. More for me to learn about serving Him wholeheartedly.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
hey everyone
Well, I figured I'd join in the craze - didn't want to do myspace, so here I am. I'm gonna try to use this to keep everyone posted on the boys, ministry and generally anything else I'm dealing with.
Right now, we're getting ready to head off in directions for the week - Bob to camp with the youth from church & the boys and I are headed to SoCal to see the extended family while he's gone. Then we're all back home for a couple days till he leaves again to Brazil for 2 weeks. Thus will end the massive amount of time away from home for him this summer. I won't lie, it ain't been easy on me or the boys.....pray for us!
Right now, we're getting ready to head off in directions for the week - Bob to camp with the youth from church & the boys and I are headed to SoCal to see the extended family while he's gone. Then we're all back home for a couple days till he leaves again to Brazil for 2 weeks. Thus will end the massive amount of time away from home for him this summer. I won't lie, it ain't been easy on me or the boys.....pray for us!
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